Social Media has taken over the advertising world. Everyone is looking to capitalize on the success of blogs,
Linked In, Twitter, and their ilk.
At first I was very skeptical. I had to be dragged in to every social network that I have been apart of. I do love my blogs, but I think it is more that I just need an outlet for myself, rather than me being interested in blogs in general. I guess my greatest issue from an advertising perspective, is the return that you get from such efforts is dwarfed by the amount of of time spent.
However, I went to a luncheon on social marketing a couple of months back and my opinion, while not completely changed, has been altered a bit. I think that the answer lies more in that more people within an organization should be allocating a little bit of time to these efforts so that the time commitment does not seem so great, but you are still utilizing this new channel.
On a personal level, I love my blog, it is here to stay, and I am going to make more use of it as a social media tool (hence this blog and the newly installed google analytics code, aka I am watching you). As for the social networks, I have been dragged into them (to see the shmack my friends were saying about me), but I have found a place in my heart for them.
Linked In is kind of worthless. It's fine for what it is, an online resume, but it ain't that much. I have not fully immersed myself in Twitter, but I'm not that excited. I do think that it has some implications for businesses that are interesting.
Now for the biggies. MySpace was my first love.
My page is freaking awesome, and it is beautiful. I do have to say though, it is much more of an outlet for me creatively, and I get little about my friends at this point.
Facebook was something that I joined reluctantly after the luncheon because the info for an event that I was going to was only on there. At first I hated it. Everyone's page looks pretty much the same, and really I am not that interested in the comings and goings of everyone in the universe. However I have began to fall in love. At the very least I know what is going on with people. I have learned so much about old friends in such a short amount of time. Recently my number of friends on Facebook has eclipsed that of MySpace, and after only about a month. I guess I had to add
my Facebook link to the top of my blog. Plus I suggested that Richter develop a group page and a blog of their own, which they are doing.
I guess my point is that social networks and media have their place, but it doesn't need to take over our lives. Do as much as you want, either way. I do think that we need to be open to more forms of communication instead of writing them off as impersonal, or too technical. Try it out, and you just might like it.
If you want to visit
my MySpace or
Facebook page, follow the tabs at the top of the blog. You know the way to my blog obviously, but here are some of the blogs that I follow:
Richter7 Interactive Blog - See some the fantastic work that we put out here at R7.
Richter7 Social Media Blog - Slowly But Surely