I have made no secret about the fact that I watch a lot of trashy TV. It's entertaining, relaxing since I don't need to think & end up feeling better about myself, and I get to yell at the TV. However those that know me also know that I watch a good amount of educational programming and reading. Hello, do you think all of this interesting conversation and factoids come from nowhere? The History Channel, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, PBS, etc. yo! Plus, and I cannot stress this enough, TWITTER IS NOT JUST FOR INANE STATUS UPDATES. It's not just about whether or not Ashton Kutcher just got off the pot. Seriously people, depending on what and who you are following it can be a nonstop stream of interesting articles, pics, and tidbits customized to what really interests use. Avail yourself to the wealth of content.
As usual I digress. The point is that one of my favorite History Channel shows has gone down the tubes (no pun intended). I remember when I used to see
Modern Marvels on the Comcast guide and what I was going to watch was a no brainer. Now I have to go and see what the topic is before I "give it a try". The topic used to just be the surprising bonus after you had already changed the channel.
The topics of the shows really is where the problem lies. They used to have storied about the latest, tallest skyscrapers, or an incredible bridge, or the latest space technology. All things that I know nothing about, are completely fascinating to most people, and served up in a manner that does not make me feel as if I am trying to get my doctorate in physics. AWESOME. Slowly I have seen a decline, almost as if they are running out of topics. I have written down some of the worst that I have seen lately and they are as follows:
- Coffee
- Corn
- Shovels
- Truck Stops
- Super Steam
If you are not on the page with me yet, those are all super lame. Let me just say that some of these episodes can be interesting. You know in that, "things you didn't know about seeming mundane topics," kind of way. You know what? I basically know how coffee and corn get to our pantries. What's being buried by a shovel is generally more interesting than the tool. I don't need to know any more about the "interesting" things that happen surrounding truck stops, and no matter what you do with steam it is still just water and heat! There is nothing particularly modern or marvelous about any of those things. You have set a higher standard by virtue of your title. Save that pedestrian shizz for an 8 minute segment on
How Things Work where they belong.