I am ridiculously excited about the Olympics that are about to start tomorrow. I am even having a BBQ to watch and celebrate. I t is just so exciting being able to see the world come together, to celebrate all of these people with great talent. I am not a huge sports fan, but these people are truly remarkable.
I am sure I am in for many sleepless nights as I get trapped watching canoing at 3am. One article that I read said that the Olympics are the best reality show ever. I think it's true. Plus knowing the Chinese, they are going to put on a great show (despite the smog). The arcitecture alone is amazing. Prepare yourself for regular Olys updates on the emerging stories of the day.
The other thoughts that keeping coming to my mind is that after the Olys end, it will be time for college football and tailgating at the U! Oh it is so much fun. I need to end this post. I am shaking.

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