That's right folks not only do we get the Clay Aiken "baby" photo in the new People Mag, but in true Lance Bass fashion he also comes out of the closet!!! Well it's about time. Seriously he would be a really weird guy if he were straight. But what is he going to do now? He has a baby with a much older woman (how very Will & Grace), so how can he sow his rainbow oats? I don't know, but I have a feeling a relationship with Josh Groban is on the way. Stay tuned...
Update: One of Clay Aiken's fans had this to say in the ClayManiacs "Shoutbox" section:
"This is really shocking news as I had no idea he was gay," read a comment posted by "Sheridansq." "And now I have to deal with this. I am not sure what to say to people who know I was a fan. ... I didn't go to work today and am not answering the telephone."
LMAO, are you kidding me? What are people who knew you wrote this post going to say? I have a few ideas. If you had balls enough to tell people you were a Clay Aiken fan, then I think you can deal with this humiliation. Plus I'm sure they already know you're a moron as you couldn't tell HE WAS CLEARLY GAY!
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