I had a conversation this weekend, and happened to have noticed myself right before said conversation, that I had not written a blog since January. Sorry guys. I am going to try to do something at least once a week. I have "blogging" as a recurring Task in Outlook & I always do what Outlook tells me... I hope it never turns sinister (at least more so).
Anyway, I thought I would discuss my thoughts on some the current crop of TV shows. I watch a lot of trash (mostly reality) TV shows. Whether you like them, or like them because you hate them, they are a great escape and excuse to yell at the flat screen.
I am going to start with the shows that I have major beef with.
The Biggest LoserAt first I enjoyed that they were playing the game in such a fair manner and looking out for who needed the house more, health wise. However at this point in the game, I am going to need some cutthroat competitive spirit. You are all skinny(ish) now, and therefore should slowly be transforming into self-involved douches that want to prey on the weak.
Gossip GirlOh Gossip Girl, you know I love your Cruel Intentions style qualities, but I am about to break up with you. Attention Upper East Siders: What WB series, that thus should consider itself privileged that we would even tune in, is angering its fans because it will not have 3 new episodes in a row? GG, better watch out, or else its ever dragging 2nd season might be it's last.
XOXO Manpretty Calamity~
America's Next Top ModelI am so bored with you. Even the girl covered in scars made me yawn. I guess next season you are only going to have girls 5'7" and under. I believe that that will be Cycle 13 and I only have 3 words for you: JUMPED THE SHARK!
For the Love of RayJ & Bret Michael's Bus O HosEven I can't bring myself to watch these. I guess we need feeder shows for new contestants & challenges on I Love Money.
Now on to everything else.
I Love Money 2Yes! Finally a show that makes no bones about its money grubbing, fame whore contestants. Becky Buckwild and Saphyrie need their own show after this (oh I am so writing a letter now). However, their hookups (with Frank the Entertainer and It respectively) have been highly questionable.
Dancing with the StarsAKA Next Stop For So You Think You Can Dancers (NSFSYTYCDrs). I watch it, but I think I watch for the dancers more than the "celebrities"... well and of course the next crazy, sexually inappropriate comment from Bruno. Seriously I think Bruno's name is a bit off too. When I think of the name Bruno I am thinking pit bull or rottweiler. If he were a dog he would one of those tiny Chinese bald dogs.
Tough LoveOh how I love this show. Let's find every kind of girl psychosis that ruins relationships and scare men away (Golddigger, loner, skank, clueless, drunk, loser lover, etc.), brutally tell them what is wrong with them on national television, & put all of that crazy under one trainwreck of a roof. I keep thinking that they vote people off every week, but seriously someone just loses it every week and has to go home. Literally this last week after Airen (yes pronounced like the skinhead nation) could not stop being a skank and having panic attacks when they tried to call her out on it, they recommended that she needed serious therapy and they could not help her. Kind of sad, especially since I was always waiting for her and host Steve Ward to make out.
Real World/Road Rules The Duel2Yes, we have gotten to MTV. Seriously these people need work. Go on to some trash VH1 love show so you can go on I Love Money since they have much easier challenges. You know I will still watch though because these people are seriously insane and know what we all want. The Challenges are just an excuse for them to let loose so the producers will bring them back... yet again.
The HillsOh my baby! So the show is clearly "reenacted", but the production and story quality make you not care. This season is by far the best, even better than Laguna Season 2. Basically the show goes like this: Major confrontation where they pay off Stephanie to put people in the most incredibly awkward situations that thus implode. Once the mushroom cloud has settled, MTV pays all of the key players to have one on one confrontations with the people that have wronged them during the main event and then follow up confrontations based on that confrontation. This builds to the climax confrontation that ends in tears/sets up the next episode's disaster event. Heidi's storyline is particularly hilarious this season as basically everyone that she comes across tells her that Spencer is the planet's biggest douche and that she should leave him/asks why she is with him. Heidi's response is always to nod with a facial expression as close to pensive as she can get. Seriously guys, I say this every season, but you have to watch the After Show online. Canadians get together and make fun of them and then invite a key cast member from that episode to discuss what they have just seen. It is worth watching the show just to be ready for the After Show.