Yes the Trib came in and took pictures, and I knew that some blogs had picked up the story, but I didn't understand the extent of this viral campaign until I got "The Email". The partner in charge of PR tell us that tomorrow, The New York Times is sending a photographer to take our picture for a story about our quirky little agency that makes their employees wear something other than long pants in order to beat the heat and boost morale. I then knew the power of PR.
I decided that I would do a Google search of "Richter7 No Pants" and see what came up. I went 3 pages deep before I just gave up, with every link being about the Richter7 policy. Mostly it was sites or blogs that had just picked up the press release. However, mixed in there were CNBC and USAToday. My favourite comment about the story, and one that summed up my sentiments, was from one Sean P. Means, the "Culture Vulture" writer of the Trib. Sean says,
The "No Long Pants" policy may not save the planet, but it may prove something to clients: If Richter7 can drum up publicity for its clients half as much as it drums up publicity for itself, customer satisfaction is guaranteed. –Sean P. Means
When I first told people that this was clearly a PR effort for the company they asked, "Why would you do PR for yourself?" I responded,"Because we consider ourselves a client." How can you sell anybody else if you can't sell yourself (not on the street you dirty people)?
Anyway, in other somewhat related news, the people that I work with are crazy. I swear each person is a character and each one is different. We have whiny, spazzy, giddy, prudy, stylish, reclusive, and dementia. We are like the Richter 7 dwarfs. It is hilarious and awesome. (As a side note, I am not sure how they keep it so cold in this building. It is like an icebox, and the windows are massive and old, and the doors are made of glass.)
Another somewhat related issue is my feelings about jean shorts. Jean shorts are one of the worst fashion faux pas of all time. However, I am giving a pass this summer to the long, cut off, frayed, tight jeans that the "emos" are wearing. I have seen a lot of these lately. Now I will not stand for the additional roll up, but the fray is okay I guess. However, I am giving a one season limit to this pass, and posers need not apply (i.e. I will not be wearing these as I am not an emo).