Most of you know how much I love trashy television. One of the trashiest, yet funniest shows is Keeping Up With the Kardashians on E! One of my favorite episodes is when Khloe (you know the frumpy one that has never been on a reality show, or done anything worth fame other

than having a sister with her ass insured) gets a DUI. Of course as happens with that situation, it devolves into a horrible mess trying to get people out of jail and hide it from parents for as long as possible. Inevitably the parents need to find out, and their mom Kris says something that I love as she is furious that they wasted so much time trying to hide everything while just letting Khloe sit in jail. She says something to the effect of, "What?!? You're just sitting here while Khloe's in jail?!? You know we call Robert (Shapiro) and it's over!" She illuminates the fact that they call their high powered attorney who served on the OJ defense team with their dad, and everything is taken care of.
Kris was right and everything was taken care of... Until now. Khloe apparently didn't not want to stick to the terms of her probation (like go to an alcohol treatment class), so now she has to go to jail. Oh Khloe, you are so stupid. In an article I read about this, in mainstream media nonetheless, they specifically mention that other "more famous" celebs have gotten out of jail early in situations like this because of overcrowded jails, essentially saying she probably isn't famous enough to get the celeb treatment... which she's not. Khloe just go to the class! You had nothing else to do. Higher some other monkey (or the sisters that are actually suppose to be the other monkeys) to run DASH for the day.
Anyway, that was not the point of this post. Actually I was just impressed that there was a decent picture of Khloe out there. She almost doesn't look like a lesbian don't you think? Perhaps jail will work for her.
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