Last night was Thursday so that means it is time for all of the little hussies to go out. First I went to see Amanda's new diggs. Then I went to the Gallivan again. It was much better this time. I only had to stand in line for about 10 minutes before I got a (read 2) beer(s) as compared to the hour long ordeal last time. Once again it was a reunion. I like that. I ran into this girl Meghan that I met at a wedding a couple of weeks ago. She is like a girl version of me. She was rocking the bangs mod style with a black top, leatherette leggings with yellow day glow stilettos and pink day glow nail polish. Hot! Of course we ran into some Judge kids. I actually at one point was eavesdropping on a conversation and all I heard them say was , "Judge, Judge, pack our fudge!" Seemed very apropos.
After Gallivan we went to Murphy's which was awesome. There I harassed Oliver's brothers. One was driven away twice by my graphic comments. The other I made fun of because he put his hair into a half up bun. I told him he looked like Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai. Of course we ran into more people there, especially after the concert ended and people started to trickle in. Actually I was kinda dissed by Julianne Hancock. I was pissed.
After Murphy's I went to The Door. By that point it was a bit fuzzy, but I remember being naughty (more on that on my MySpace blog). However, I did avoid the person that I said I was going to start to avoid in last week's blog. Good for me. Also I saw some lesbian wearing the same pinstripe shorts I bought yesterday. Made me rethink my purchase a bit, but I gave her props.
One thing I kept focusing on last night was how much I love the city of Salt Lake. I love being downtown and smelling the summer city air. I love standing in the crowded Gallivan with all of your favorite peeps, looking at the highrises that soar above. I love the bike culture that is developing. I love that everyone knows everyone. I love how many hot and funny people call Salt Lake home. I swear it is like guzzling from the cup of life. Make sure you enjoy and appreciate it this weekend.
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