Hey y'all. I had a nice little weekend. I wasn't feeling well on Friday so I just stayed in to recoup. It was kinda nice and gave me an early start on Saturday.
On Saturday I went to Babylon at Bliss. It was okay. At least it was different. However, the name sucks, the drinks were poorly made (aka I could taste the cola in my long island), and because it was new everyone in their dog was there and I kept running into people, some I did not want to see. Then of course I got drunk and pissy. It worked out alright though.
Funny story, the cab driver over to the beginnings of my "after club journeying" hit on me and I totally took the digits which I was supposed to use to "call after 3". Luckily I'm not that crazy, but it is a funny story (you know me and "the story"). Plus Nate and I got treated to the story of the girls in the cab before us that were flashing. I swear I literally asked if I was on Taxi Cab Confessions.
Anyway, Sunday was Tyson's BBQ, and I got wayyyyyy drunk. Look at what we did to Christian Bale, and to my magazine bible, Details (that needs a whole nother blog). Sadly shortly after this picture I licked all of the cheese off of Mr. Bale, and even more sad I have another similar picture with Ryan Seacrest on the cover of Details which is completely unrelated.
Anyway, I can't wait for this weekend so I can see the Dark Knight...
P.S. Doesn't Mr. Bale look the Captain from Captain Morgan Rum in this picture?
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