First off, the title of this post is the first line of the Georgetown fight song. I'm not some sort of sick wierdo (for the most part). If you want to know the rest I will gladly sing it for you or you can click here.
I have been a bit lax in my blogging and I am sorry. I know that more and more of you are reading thanks to Google Analytics, including a visitor from Switzerland (thanks Justin), and some visitors for people search for Datamark… hmmm. Speaking of which, big ups to DMark and the crew. You know I love you guys, and the company as a whole is pretty great. I digress. Anyway, I will try to be more consistent with my blog posts. God I think I have my first New Year’s resolution. More to come.
Anyway, quick update on my life, Christmas was great. The power went out at my mom’s house so Christmas was moved to the compound this year. I got a TV for Christmas, but I got that awhile ago. I need to blog about it though. Later when there are pictures.
I also went to two birthday parties over the long weekend. They were fantastic. However, at some point in my life I have decided that if it is one person’s birthday celebration, it is a celebration for everyone, and now act as such. Not necessarily a bad attitude, but it can hurt the next morning.
I think that’s pretty much the update. I will have more around the New Year, but don’t expect anything about New Year’s Eve unless it has absolutely nothing to do with me.
29 December 2008
18 November 2008
How Sweet It Is

I, as I assume is the case with most people, really only use Splenda in my morning coffee at work. This is even depicted on the box. I like my coffee sweet and creamy, so I use three packets of Spenda for each coffee thermos full. Now if you combine coffee and three grams of fiber, that is just begging for an explosive situation. How will work get done? God forbid someone have two or even three cups! And what about the smokers?!? Maybe if you are Bea Arthur things will even out, but I think we all know she is an original.
I am worried about the security of America. And what if this egregious assault starts to hit home? What happens if the current huge Costco box of Splenda that we have at the office is depleted before the recall, and is replaced by the snarling beast with fiber? I may need to talk to someone. I may need to defend the homeland.
06 November 2008
Best Dinner EVER!
It was a little after 5pm at work, and as usual my mind starts to drift toward wrapping up the day and heading home. I get an email from Tyson asking me if I have left work yet. I know then that he wants me to get into some shenanigans. Apparently he wanted me to go with him for dinner at Takashi. We are always well taken care of when we go there, and the food gives me goosebumps so of course I agree to go.
We get there and immediately get sake and an appetizer. A feeling of joy overwhelmed me as the slight spice of the gyoza hit my taste buds. As we typically do at Takashi, the food comes in waves. Next, the maguro nigiri came and we had our first taste of sushi, in its rawest form.
We finally decide on the rolls that we will get for the evening and they arrive. Every time I go to Takashi I have to get the Tiger roll. It incorporates two of my favorite things: tempura shrimp and unagi. Seriously if you have never tried the eel, I would get some unagi nigiri as soon as possible. I digress. We also got a Spider roll which gets its name from the soft shell crab legs that protrude out of the side of it, and a Mexican roll that I assume gets its name from the peppers in it (one of which almost took Tyson’s tongue off).
As the rolls arrived, Tyson and I ordered the final “wave”. We have a tradition at Takashi and always order the filet mignon to share with the table. It is not a traditional filet, but rather arrives already sliced into strips, sautéed with portobello mushrooms, and covered in saffron. Many feel it is sacrilege to get something like filet at a sushi restaurant, but it is the best way to cap off the meal. As Tyson said as he was picking up little strings of saffron by themselves, “I can taste the money.” Just after the filet arrives and we were pouring our last shot of sake, another bottle of sake arrived courtesy of one of our friends that went to high school with us. Apparently he didn’t want us to get thirsty. Aahhhhhh…. Somehow the sake that we had during the course of the night never materialized on the bill, and the bill was taken care of as well. It is nice to have a best friend who is a concierge… and leaves the tip.
At one point during the course of the night, Tyson jokes that we should go to the Oyster Bar for crab legs after Takashi. We laughed… that was until our friend Wade came in to Takashi, having just left the Oyster Bar. He was just in for some sake and oyster shooters before heading to the strip club, but it made us think.
As we entered the Oyster Bar, our memberships of course taken care of, Tyson and I giggle like school girls. We stretch, our bellies already full with sushi, but there is always room for crab legs. We order our king crab legs as our server asks us if that is all we want. We explain that we have already had dinner, and we just have the craving for crab legs. She complements us on our choice saying, “That’s a great idea! Crab legs are all protein so they are perfect at the end of the night.” Amen sister. As I eat the crab meat dripping with butter (and an unfortunate lemon juice display by Tyson), I go into a trance like state, whirling as I am overcome with satisfaction. The homo waiters dance to the Janet Jackson song playing in the background.
After we are done, the waitress offers us dessert. I of course decline, as Tyson requests cheesecake to go, replacing the strawberry sauce with raspberry. Apparently this was for eating in bed when he gets home. I told him that if he fell asleep in bed with a half eaten slice of cheesecake I would tease him endlessly. We both know he would never tell me anyway because of this very fact. Although it did make me think of myself slowly crawling into my own bed; the crisp cold sheets sliding across my skin; my body warming a place for itself.
As we head home, and through the course of the night in fact, I think about how lucky I am. I make more that this point than I did when I first graduated from college, but I am far from being a rich person. However, all my life what I have lacked in funds, I have made up for in ingenuity. Somehow me and my friends have always found a way to enjoy some of the finer things in life. The fact that all of this occurs in Salt Lake City, Utah adds another layer. We have a thriving little urban scene here if only you attempt to partake. Bottom line, when it comes down to it, my life is hard, but someone’s got to live it.
We get there and immediately get sake and an appetizer. A feeling of joy overwhelmed me as the slight spice of the gyoza hit my taste buds. As we typically do at Takashi, the food comes in waves. Next, the maguro nigiri came and we had our first taste of sushi, in its rawest form.
We finally decide on the rolls that we will get for the evening and they arrive. Every time I go to Takashi I have to get the Tiger roll. It incorporates two of my favorite things: tempura shrimp and unagi. Seriously if you have never tried the eel, I would get some unagi nigiri as soon as possible. I digress. We also got a Spider roll which gets its name from the soft shell crab legs that protrude out of the side of it, and a Mexican roll that I assume gets its name from the peppers in it (one of which almost took Tyson’s tongue off).
As the rolls arrived, Tyson and I ordered the final “wave”. We have a tradition at Takashi and always order the filet mignon to share with the table. It is not a traditional filet, but rather arrives already sliced into strips, sautéed with portobello mushrooms, and covered in saffron. Many feel it is sacrilege to get something like filet at a sushi restaurant, but it is the best way to cap off the meal. As Tyson said as he was picking up little strings of saffron by themselves, “I can taste the money.” Just after the filet arrives and we were pouring our last shot of sake, another bottle of sake arrived courtesy of one of our friends that went to high school with us. Apparently he didn’t want us to get thirsty. Aahhhhhh…. Somehow the sake that we had during the course of the night never materialized on the bill, and the bill was taken care of as well. It is nice to have a best friend who is a concierge… and leaves the tip.
At one point during the course of the night, Tyson jokes that we should go to the Oyster Bar for crab legs after Takashi. We laughed… that was until our friend Wade came in to Takashi, having just left the Oyster Bar. He was just in for some sake and oyster shooters before heading to the strip club, but it made us think.
As we entered the Oyster Bar, our memberships of course taken care of, Tyson and I giggle like school girls. We stretch, our bellies already full with sushi, but there is always room for crab legs. We order our king crab legs as our server asks us if that is all we want. We explain that we have already had dinner, and we just have the craving for crab legs. She complements us on our choice saying, “That’s a great idea! Crab legs are all protein so they are perfect at the end of the night.” Amen sister. As I eat the crab meat dripping with butter (and an unfortunate lemon juice display by Tyson), I go into a trance like state, whirling as I am overcome with satisfaction. The homo waiters dance to the Janet Jackson song playing in the background.
After we are done, the waitress offers us dessert. I of course decline, as Tyson requests cheesecake to go, replacing the strawberry sauce with raspberry. Apparently this was for eating in bed when he gets home. I told him that if he fell asleep in bed with a half eaten slice of cheesecake I would tease him endlessly. We both know he would never tell me anyway because of this very fact. Although it did make me think of myself slowly crawling into my own bed; the crisp cold sheets sliding across my skin; my body warming a place for itself.
As we head home, and through the course of the night in fact, I think about how lucky I am. I make more that this point than I did when I first graduated from college, but I am far from being a rich person. However, all my life what I have lacked in funds, I have made up for in ingenuity. Somehow me and my friends have always found a way to enjoy some of the finer things in life. The fact that all of this occurs in Salt Lake City, Utah adds another layer. We have a thriving little urban scene here if only you attempt to partake. Bottom line, when it comes down to it, my life is hard, but someone’s got to live it.
04 November 2008
28 October 2008
If I Live on The Compound Do I Have to/Get to Drink the Koolaid?

It is official. I am moving from 1518 to my own place at about 12th East and 28th South (No I am not going to let any of you know my exact address). This decision has been made after much drama (which I will not get into here). I hate to leave my roommates, but sometimes you have to leave the nest. Plus as anyone who has roommates knows, I both love and hate my roommates, and I am sure the feeling is mutual.
This should be quite the interesting journey. This will be my first time living alone. I have almost no furniture so I am going to have to buy an entire house worth. On the more exciting side, I will be living in what we lovingly call The Compound, as the entire area is surrounded by my friends and their families. It is like the Kennedy compound, but with much less money and slightly less drinking (the koolaid tastes like Voddy). It should be great fun being surrounded by people I love, yet at the same time being on my own. That reminds me, I need to remind them all to never come over without calling and giving me a 5 minute head start… I’m not kidding.
It's Like America's on a Treadmill - We've Gone So Far, Yet Stayed in the Same Place
Okay, this has begun to bug me more and more as we get closer to Election Day (and as more and more people take a stance on Facebook), but I think I finally have to say something to clear it out of my system so I can focus on other things.
The issue we have for this rant is Prop 8 in California and Prop 102 in Arizona. Both seek to define marriage as strictly being between a man and a woman, aka no homo marriage. These props are pissing me off, but it’s not even because I think we should let anyone who actually wants to get married to do so, or even that I am so appalled by such conservative thinking. While all of those things do anger me, at this point it is just the stupidity of the semantics of the whole thing, and the fact that as a society we are still at this point that is causing my rage.
Conservative and “traditional” thought is what it is, but the stance of Democrats like Barack really kills me. “I believe in civil unions, but not in marriage.” What the fuck is that? Seriously on the governmental level, what’s the difference? Let’s set aside religious ceremonies as the government should not be involved in that and could not legislate what different religious groups need to allow anyway. My friend Jenni wants to be married to her future husband by a justice of the peace, with no religious aspects, a strictly civil ceremony. Would people say she is any less married? More importantly, it is interesting that in the eyes of the law even if you have a religious ceremony, you are actually not legally married until you and your witnesses sign the civil document.
It is sad that the world has come so far, but is still so afraid. When people like Barack and Joe say, “I believe in civil unions for gay couples, and not marriage,” they are really saying, “I believe in gay marriage, but I can’t say that for fear of backlash from the ridiculous undercurrent of religion and ignorance that flows through this puritanical country, so if I say I just believe in civil unions, I can also still say I don’t believe in gay marriage, even though they are pretty much the same thing. Thank God the Americans that would be involved in the backlash are also mostly too stupid to know I am saying the same thing.” Seriously, give me a break. It also shows that for all of those people that support different lifestyles, the majority of America does not, hence the political suicide.
As someone that is apart of a minority group, it kills me when I still see modern day prejudice that is deemed okay by a large portion of society. Haven’t we learned that all of that generally goes away over time, and we look back in horror at how simple-minded we were? We do the same thing to people who are overweight. Seriously if someone is not harming someone, we should probably leave them alone. Instead we chant about the destroying of the sanctity of marriage (yet you still go to Vegas), express shock about how early in primetime they are showing a dude on dude lip lock (yet cheer on the skanks making out at the bar), and use the word gay as a pejorative to describe something in meetings at work (I witnessed this one twice). Now if someone thought that an interracial couple marrying was destroying the sanctity of marriage, or worse, the Aryan race, that a kiss between that couple before 9pm on network television was unseemly, and said that a bad decision from a client was totally niggerish, that person would be looked at by most of society very differently.
The worst part is that people are wasting time and money on both sides campaigning for and against these propositions. How about we let anyone who dares to make a lifetime commitment to one another do so, and we can use the campaign money to fund a social program, perform cancer research, or feed starving children in a conflict torn area of Africa. Anything else that instead of consisting of judging and limiting people, builds them up and expands possibilities. Honestly, I can’t believe I have to even writing something like this. When we are “okay with the gays” what will be the next thing that we will move on to despise. I am constantly surprised by humanity’s lack of ability to love, and infinite ability to hate.
The issue we have for this rant is Prop 8 in California and Prop 102 in Arizona. Both seek to define marriage as strictly being between a man and a woman, aka no homo marriage. These props are pissing me off, but it’s not even because I think we should let anyone who actually wants to get married to do so, or even that I am so appalled by such conservative thinking. While all of those things do anger me, at this point it is just the stupidity of the semantics of the whole thing, and the fact that as a society we are still at this point that is causing my rage.
Conservative and “traditional” thought is what it is, but the stance of Democrats like Barack really kills me. “I believe in civil unions, but not in marriage.” What the fuck is that? Seriously on the governmental level, what’s the difference? Let’s set aside religious ceremonies as the government should not be involved in that and could not legislate what different religious groups need to allow anyway. My friend Jenni wants to be married to her future husband by a justice of the peace, with no religious aspects, a strictly civil ceremony. Would people say she is any less married? More importantly, it is interesting that in the eyes of the law even if you have a religious ceremony, you are actually not legally married until you and your witnesses sign the civil document.
It is sad that the world has come so far, but is still so afraid. When people like Barack and Joe say, “I believe in civil unions for gay couples, and not marriage,” they are really saying, “I believe in gay marriage, but I can’t say that for fear of backlash from the ridiculous undercurrent of religion and ignorance that flows through this puritanical country, so if I say I just believe in civil unions, I can also still say I don’t believe in gay marriage, even though they are pretty much the same thing. Thank God the Americans that would be involved in the backlash are also mostly too stupid to know I am saying the same thing.” Seriously, give me a break. It also shows that for all of those people that support different lifestyles, the majority of America does not, hence the political suicide.
As someone that is apart of a minority group, it kills me when I still see modern day prejudice that is deemed okay by a large portion of society. Haven’t we learned that all of that generally goes away over time, and we look back in horror at how simple-minded we were? We do the same thing to people who are overweight. Seriously if someone is not harming someone, we should probably leave them alone. Instead we chant about the destroying of the sanctity of marriage (yet you still go to Vegas), express shock about how early in primetime they are showing a dude on dude lip lock (yet cheer on the skanks making out at the bar), and use the word gay as a pejorative to describe something in meetings at work (I witnessed this one twice). Now if someone thought that an interracial couple marrying was destroying the sanctity of marriage, or worse, the Aryan race, that a kiss between that couple before 9pm on network television was unseemly, and said that a bad decision from a client was totally niggerish, that person would be looked at by most of society very differently.
The worst part is that people are wasting time and money on both sides campaigning for and against these propositions. How about we let anyone who dares to make a lifetime commitment to one another do so, and we can use the campaign money to fund a social program, perform cancer research, or feed starving children in a conflict torn area of Africa. Anything else that instead of consisting of judging and limiting people, builds them up and expands possibilities. Honestly, I can’t believe I have to even writing something like this. When we are “okay with the gays” what will be the next thing that we will move on to despise. I am constantly surprised by humanity’s lack of ability to love, and infinite ability to hate.
24 October 2008
Social Media is Taking Over My Life
Social Media has taken over the advertising world. Everyone is looking to capitalize on the success of blogs, MySpace, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, and their ilk.
At first I was very skeptical. I had to be dragged in to every social network that I have been apart of. I do love my blogs, but I think it is more that I just need an outlet for myself, rather than me being interested in blogs in general. I guess my greatest issue from an advertising perspective, is the return that you get from such efforts is dwarfed by the amount of of time spent.
However, I went to a luncheon on social marketing a couple of months back and my opinion, while not completely changed, has been altered a bit. I think that the answer lies more in that more people within an organization should be allocating a little bit of time to these efforts so that the time commitment does not seem so great, but you are still utilizing this new channel.
On a personal level, I love my blog, it is here to stay, and I am going to make more use of it as a social media tool (hence this blog and the newly installed google analytics code, aka I am watching you). As for the social networks, I have been dragged into them (to see the shmack my friends were saying about me), but I have found a place in my heart for them.
Linked In is kind of worthless. It's fine for what it is, an online resume, but it ain't that much. I have not fully immersed myself in Twitter, but I'm not that excited. I do think that it has some implications for businesses that are interesting.
Now for the biggies. MySpace was my first love. My page is freaking awesome, and it is beautiful. I do have to say though, it is much more of an outlet for me creatively, and I get little about my friends at this point.
Facebook was something that I joined reluctantly after the luncheon because the info for an event that I was going to was only on there. At first I hated it. Everyone's page looks pretty much the same, and really I am not that interested in the comings and goings of everyone in the universe. However I have began to fall in love. At the very least I know what is going on with people. I have learned so much about old friends in such a short amount of time. Recently my number of friends on Facebook has eclipsed that of MySpace, and after only about a month. I guess I had to add my Facebook link to the top of my blog. Plus I suggested that Richter develop a group page and a blog of their own, which they are doing.
I guess my point is that social networks and media have their place, but it doesn't need to take over our lives. Do as much as you want, either way. I do think that we need to be open to more forms of communication instead of writing them off as impersonal, or too technical. Try it out, and you just might like it.
If you want to visit my MySpace or Facebook page, follow the tabs at the top of the blog. You know the way to my blog obviously, but here are some of the blogs that I follow:
Richter7 Interactive Blog - See some the fantastic work that we put out here at R7.
Richter7 Social Media Blog - Slowly But Surely
At first I was very skeptical. I had to be dragged in to every social network that I have been apart of. I do love my blogs, but I think it is more that I just need an outlet for myself, rather than me being interested in blogs in general. I guess my greatest issue from an advertising perspective, is the return that you get from such efforts is dwarfed by the amount of of time spent.
However, I went to a luncheon on social marketing a couple of months back and my opinion, while not completely changed, has been altered a bit. I think that the answer lies more in that more people within an organization should be allocating a little bit of time to these efforts so that the time commitment does not seem so great, but you are still utilizing this new channel.
On a personal level, I love my blog, it is here to stay, and I am going to make more use of it as a social media tool (hence this blog and the newly installed google analytics code, aka I am watching you). As for the social networks, I have been dragged into them (to see the shmack my friends were saying about me), but I have found a place in my heart for them.
Linked In is kind of worthless. It's fine for what it is, an online resume, but it ain't that much. I have not fully immersed myself in Twitter, but I'm not that excited. I do think that it has some implications for businesses that are interesting.
Now for the biggies. MySpace was my first love. My page is freaking awesome, and it is beautiful. I do have to say though, it is much more of an outlet for me creatively, and I get little about my friends at this point.
Facebook was something that I joined reluctantly after the luncheon because the info for an event that I was going to was only on there. At first I hated it. Everyone's page looks pretty much the same, and really I am not that interested in the comings and goings of everyone in the universe. However I have began to fall in love. At the very least I know what is going on with people. I have learned so much about old friends in such a short amount of time. Recently my number of friends on Facebook has eclipsed that of MySpace, and after only about a month. I guess I had to add my Facebook link to the top of my blog. Plus I suggested that Richter develop a group page and a blog of their own, which they are doing.
I guess my point is that social networks and media have their place, but it doesn't need to take over our lives. Do as much as you want, either way. I do think that we need to be open to more forms of communication instead of writing them off as impersonal, or too technical. Try it out, and you just might like it.
If you want to visit my MySpace or Facebook page, follow the tabs at the top of the blog. You know the way to my blog obviously, but here are some of the blogs that I follow:
Richter7 Interactive Blog - See some the fantastic work that we put out here at R7.
Richter7 Social Media Blog - Slowly But Surely
14 October 2008
Update... and Making My Mascara Run
Just to start this off, if any of you saw my sucky test game that I posted for awhile for a work thing I was doing, I apologize.
Moving on. I haven't written in awhile. Partially because I have been busy and partially because I don't have anything to say. I went to a wedding in Boston, which was fantastic. I will post some pics when they come. I really loved the ceremony as it was my first in the Jewish tradition. It was great, so was the Harvard Club, and so was Boston. I won't post the party details on my blog, but you can ask me if you like ;) . I did spend much more at H&M than I planned, but as Lindsey said, "How often are you in a city with an H&M?" The real question is when are they going to get an online store, or better yet, one in Utah.
When I got back, I got sick and locked myself away. Me and my bed are great friends now, and I still need to deep clean it. This past weekend I knew of two more weddings, and am going to another this weekend. I am sensing a theme.
It has got me thinking a lot about planning for the future (surprise). I am in advertising (let me mention that again), and lately I have been painfully aware that I check the 25-34 box. Friday my coworkers pointed this out as I was in the prime suicide demographic :). Luckily I'm Black and that moves me out of the demo as we are apparently full of ourselves... and would rather kill someone else (I'm so just kidding, but I couldn't resist).
I am in no rush to get married or anything like that, but it does have me thinking about goals and the direction of my life (oh God let's get the razor blades and Kleenex ready). Eventually I hope that does include marriage (during the 35-44 box timeline), but there are more immediate things. Let's get the old ones out of the way: House, gym, couches, car, job success, relationship... I'm always chasing the physical and emotional big ticket items which we all know.
I went to a Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Utah 30 year anniversary luncheon today, and it made me think about some other things. As I looked around seeing the bishop and my childhood priest, the mayor, local "celebs", and me and my coworkers at a sponsors table, I realized that one way or another I have found myself on the path if an existence that is (or should be) so much more than myself. I have always thought I had so much potential, and I do. At some point that will be wasted if my goals concern only myself. I should be doing some sort of volunteering. I would love to do some community service and be on the board of some organization(s). I also want to have some actual hobbies. I really don't have any true consistent interests other than trashy television. I know they are there, but I need to actually commit some time.
In short, today I realized that I have been a bit two dimensional lately and I want to be more well rounded. The shocker was that I didn't even know I had been neglecting my third dimension. It always seems like I have more time when I have too much to do, because I am much more scheduled. I think it's time I get off my ass... and for someone other than myself... and it will benefit me... and I need to create another label for this emo self-reflective crap. God that blog developed out of nowhere.
Moving on. I haven't written in awhile. Partially because I have been busy and partially because I don't have anything to say. I went to a wedding in Boston, which was fantastic. I will post some pics when they come. I really loved the ceremony as it was my first in the Jewish tradition. It was great, so was the Harvard Club, and so was Boston. I won't post the party details on my blog, but you can ask me if you like ;) . I did spend much more at H&M than I planned, but as Lindsey said, "How often are you in a city with an H&M?" The real question is when are they going to get an online store, or better yet, one in Utah.
When I got back, I got sick and locked myself away. Me and my bed are great friends now, and I still need to deep clean it. This past weekend I knew of two more weddings, and am going to another this weekend. I am sensing a theme.
It has got me thinking a lot about planning for the future (surprise). I am in advertising (let me mention that again), and lately I have been painfully aware that I check the 25-34 box. Friday my coworkers pointed this out as I was in the prime suicide demographic :). Luckily I'm Black and that moves me out of the demo as we are apparently full of ourselves... and would rather kill someone else (I'm so just kidding, but I couldn't resist).
I am in no rush to get married or anything like that, but it does have me thinking about goals and the direction of my life (oh God let's get the razor blades and Kleenex ready). Eventually I hope that does include marriage (during the 35-44 box timeline), but there are more immediate things. Let's get the old ones out of the way: House, gym, couches, car, job success, relationship... I'm always chasing the physical and emotional big ticket items which we all know.
I went to a Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Utah 30 year anniversary luncheon today, and it made me think about some other things. As I looked around seeing the bishop and my childhood priest, the mayor, local "celebs", and me and my coworkers at a sponsors table, I realized that one way or another I have found myself on the path if an existence that is (or should be) so much more than myself. I have always thought I had so much potential, and I do. At some point that will be wasted if my goals concern only myself. I should be doing some sort of volunteering. I would love to do some community service and be on the board of some organization(s). I also want to have some actual hobbies. I really don't have any true consistent interests other than trashy television. I know they are there, but I need to actually commit some time.
In short, today I realized that I have been a bit two dimensional lately and I want to be more well rounded. The shocker was that I didn't even know I had been neglecting my third dimension. It always seems like I have more time when I have too much to do, because I am much more scheduled. I think it's time I get off my ass... and for someone other than myself... and it will benefit me... and I need to create another label for this emo self-reflective crap. God that blog developed out of nowhere.
30 September 2008
New Reality Show: Third World America

Tune into your local news and you’ll see it. Seriously when did the United States become a third world country? Okay maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but not by much.
First and foremost, we have this economic crisis. While I do understand some of the hard times, I really don’t get how it got this way so fast. A week or so ago some financial institutions were failing and some people were losing their jobs, but those companies had made bad business decisions, times are tough, so it goes. Fast forward to the end of last week and the US economy is in ruins, all financial institutions are in dire straits, and all that can help us is for the government to “invest” $700 billion, otherwise we will be in a depression by Monday when the Asian markets open. The worst part is that normally this would be political fear mongering in order to get a bill passed, but that was not the case this time. Monday came, the bill did not pass, and the Dow dropped almost 800 points, the most in history (by points, not percentage, but still).
I also look on the news and see that people in the southeast don’t have any gas. WTF?!? Seriously, do you know how much attitude that I would be coping if my local gas station did not even have $4/gallon gas to sell me! Atlanta has a lot of Black people so I am sure an a-bomb (attitude bomb) is going off (I can get away with such racially insensitive comments)! I swear, this is not the 70s. Apparently this is also not the America that I know… and love.
The whole economic situation is whacked. I don’t really agree with the principles of the bailout, that America can invest and ride out the waves until the market gets back to normal, and will eventually get most or all of the money back. Conceptually okay, but in reality I do not think they would get most of the money back. However, that is not what concerns me about the vote. What concerns me is that this was pretty much seen by everyone as the only way to avert crisis, and most of the representatives felt that we probably should pass it. However, they did not vote for it because it was unpopular with their constituents and elections are in a few short weeks, and because Nancy Pelosi shamed the Republican economic policy so Republicans had to pout (although 60% of Democrats voted to pass the bill in comparison to 30% of Republicans).
I know that you have to represent the views of your constituents, but what happened to doing what you believe is right? Why is politics now a ridiculous game of polls and spin. That used to be reserved for the strip club. Honestly I feel sometimes like people just want to say what “sounds good” or won’t get them in trouble instead of speaking the truth and doing what is in the best interest of the country. In fact I think that is a major contributing factor to the situation that we’re currently in.
I work in advertising so I know that people respond to empty tag lines like, “Lowering taxes,” and “The War on Terror,” and “Spreading Democracy Throughout the World,” and “Enduring Freedom.” However, when you have spent over $500 BILLION on a war that you expected to last only a couple of weeks (we’re 5 years in), you need taxes to pay for it. Fighting a war on terror is great conceptually, but fighting against a concept is a losing battle, as it was with Communism, because the concept will always exist. Instead fight again the physical, bad manifestations of that concept, such as Bin Laden or countries creating nuclear weapons. If we want to spread Democracy, why don’t we start with the US since it is not a true democracy, or socialist France, parliamentary England, or Monaco’s “hop, skip, and a jump away from dictatorship” constitutional monarchy? Other systems do work and we need to pay credence to that, particularly as ours is failing in terms of stability. Don’t even get me started on Enduring "Freedom"...
All I am saying is that America is a great country, but we are starting to lose a lot of the things that made us great. We think largely only of our individual selves, and not in the larger context of the country, let alone the world. Apathy has left us as carcasses for the vulturous spin doctors of politics. So many fought and died across the centuries for us to be apart of the decision making of this country and to build it to be the super power of the world, and we don’t even care enough to educate ourselves in order to make informed decisions. Most have no idea that America is no longer seen as the rich, sexy, supermodel of the world that everyone wants to take to the after party, but rather is now seen as the hot tranny mess that need we need to put in a cab home while making apologize to the Arabic cab driver (too much?).
Anyway, point is we need to get it together. Stop cross-dressing, go to rehab, and build back up your credit by stop spending money on bars and blow, tranny America. If you are lucky enough to have more money than you need, stop being a douchebag by hording and coveting even more, and screwing the rest of the American people. If you want to be a representative of the people of this country, get some balls (or hardy ovaries) and stand up for what you think is right and have honest discussions about your differences of opinion instead of slinging mud, or speaking in vague, non-committing language. If you don’t really care about public policy and the world around us, let’s put you on that MTV Exiled show, send you to North Korea for a week, and see how much you “don’t care”. I love crap television as much as if not more than the next guy, but if it makes it easy for you, think of the news as a reality TV show. You do not need to listen to me, but let’s see where the great US of A goes if we do not heed these warnings.
23 September 2008
Double Whammy

That's right folks not only do we get the Clay Aiken "baby" photo in the new People Mag, but in true Lance Bass fashion he also comes out of the closet!!! Well it's about time. Seriously he would be a really weird guy if he were straight. But what is he going to do now? He has a baby with a much older woman (how very Will & Grace), so how can he sow his rainbow oats? I don't know, but I have a feeling a relationship with Josh Groban is on the way. Stay tuned...
Update: One of Clay Aiken's fans had this to say in the ClayManiacs "Shoutbox" section:
"This is really shocking news as I had no idea he was gay," read a comment posted by "Sheridansq." "And now I have to deal with this. I am not sure what to say to people who know I was a fan. ... I didn't go to work today and am not answering the telephone."
LMAO, are you kidding me? What are people who knew you wrote this post going to say? I have a few ideas. If you had balls enough to tell people you were a Clay Aiken fan, then I think you can deal with this humiliation. Plus I'm sure they already know you're a moron as you couldn't tell HE WAS CLEARLY GAY!
19 September 2008
The Fountain of Youth Smells Like Beer
I live a couple of blocks east of Westminster College and I often am around the University of Utah (trolling for the innocent no doubt j/k). With school starting up again I have been getting very nostalgic. I love the fact that I am a “responsible” adult and have “left” the stupidity of college life behind. However, I love the smell of youthful exuberance in the air. I love the clearly underage freshmen buying beer at the corner store and piling into an overcrowded car as the campy popo (campus police for those of you who aren’t in the know) watch on. I love to see two kids on skateboards holding on to the side of a car and being dragged at 1am. I love seeing the latest kitschy messenger bags and the latest hats which harkens to college radio indie alt rock. Oh how I love rowdy college football celebrations. I swear at this point I am ready to go back and get my MBA so I can stroll around campus and fully immerse myself in it.
However, it also makes me feel a bit old. Somehow my life has switched from hanging out with people that are older than me to hanging out with a lot of people younger than me. I am now part of the “cool” older guys that we hang out with group. I was at my usual bar, and as I stood in line (first problem) I said to Lindsey, “We don’t own this anymore.” She responded, “I know. Kids do. 21 year olds.” I immediately reacted and said, “21 year olds aren’t kids!” as I still in my mind considered myself apart of that young 20 something crowd. You know, the “as long as you can go to the bar, you’re okay” mentality. However, it got me thinking, and there is a huge difference between my late 20s self and those “first” venturing out to the bar. To add insult to injury I found out that a special someone that I have a kindergarten crush on is in fact 21. I wasn’t planning on going after people younger than me until I was in my 40s.
While I am not to the level of giving up that Lindsey clearly is, I still felt old even though I clearly am not. I am now envisioning the complete meltdown I will be having at my 30th birthday party. In the meantime, I am just going to feed off of this youthful exuberance and revel in the fact that even though I may have a few years on them, I also have more money.
However, it also makes me feel a bit old. Somehow my life has switched from hanging out with people that are older than me to hanging out with a lot of people younger than me. I am now part of the “cool” older guys that we hang out with group. I was at my usual bar, and as I stood in line (first problem) I said to Lindsey, “We don’t own this anymore.” She responded, “I know. Kids do. 21 year olds.” I immediately reacted and said, “21 year olds aren’t kids!” as I still in my mind considered myself apart of that young 20 something crowd. You know, the “as long as you can go to the bar, you’re okay” mentality. However, it got me thinking, and there is a huge difference between my late 20s self and those “first” venturing out to the bar. To add insult to injury I found out that a special someone that I have a kindergarten crush on is in fact 21. I wasn’t planning on going after people younger than me until I was in my 40s.
While I am not to the level of giving up that Lindsey clearly is, I still felt old even though I clearly am not. I am now envisioning the complete meltdown I will be having at my 30th birthday party. In the meantime, I am just going to feed off of this youthful exuberance and revel in the fact that even though I may have a few years on them, I also have more money.
11 September 2008
Oh Lord, Here Comes Crazy.
Okay so I may talk to the television a bit... Okay I'll be honest. I scream at the TV. But how can I help it? People on TV are crazy/bitchy/stupid/ridiculous/worthy of a word of concern. Plus, if I weren't always alone maybe I would simmer down, and if I didn't at least I would be talking to someone else. Right? Okay, maybe I have just a touch of the crazy... and I need to get out more.
04 September 2008
Someone's Got Issues
So I have a few issues. I guess we all do. However two of mine are currently plaguing me. First, I think that I might have a fear of commitment... to the wrong person. I stipulate that I think that I am ready for a relationship. I'm pretty sure. I have always been afraid of being alone because I thought that I would never get to a place where commitment is what I wanted, and if I did, it would be too late, i.e. I would get to that place once I was so old and gross no one would actually want me, which is why I would be in "that place". I am mostly kidding about that last sentence. Now I think that the real issue is that I do not want to be committed to someone, just to be committed to someone. I'm not afraid of commitment per se, definitely at this point, but i am very afraid of committing to the wrong person and then being stuck, or even worse stuck, then unstuck at 49.
Second issue, I think I might have a slight shopping addiction. Not typical shopping addiction like malls and stuff, although I do like buying clothes. I did notice that most of my personal email is from retail outlets. However, I like to buy life stuff, like cell phones, eye glasses, groceries, furniture, kitchenware, vacations, cars, and real estate. That stuff could get someone in trouble. Am I seeking adulthood? Am I trying to nest? Do I just like the biggest ticket items possible? I think I might be watching too much VH1 The Fabulous Life of...
Second issue, I think I might have a slight shopping addiction. Not typical shopping addiction like malls and stuff, although I do like buying clothes. I did notice that most of my personal email is from retail outlets. However, I like to buy life stuff, like cell phones, eye glasses, groceries, furniture, kitchenware, vacations, cars, and real estate. That stuff could get someone in trouble. Am I seeking adulthood? Am I trying to nest? Do I just like the biggest ticket items possible? I think I might be watching too much VH1 The Fabulous Life of...
It's Over! DEAL WITH IT!!!
To go along with my slight shopping addiction, one of my emails today was from Express. The Subject read "Summer's over - Break out the sweaters." I was obviously stunned.
I have been trying to put off the end of summer for as long as possible. As one of my vendors put it, "Catch summer by the tail." I skipped the beginning of the Utes game last week to do summer activities up in Park City. I have continued to wear flip flops. Seconds ago I got off a phone call planning a Lagoon trip for Gods sake. My premise is that just because it is past Labor Day, which was very early in the month this year might I add, that it is going to stay warm for awhile. If that's the case then I am going t keep that summer joie de vivre until it is time for me to don the argyle sweater.
However, I seem to be losing the battle. As soon as Labor Day hit, it seemed to start getting cooler. People's dressing habits are already beginning to change, and talk in our meetings is already about 4th quarter. I've even turned of the air in the car in order to go with the more environmentally friendly windows, and am wearing my glasses more.
It will be fine. Fall and Winter are fun too, and they are always good for fashion. However, usually towards the end of the summer I get to this point where I just wanted the cooler weather to come, only to want the fun and heat of summer as soon as the snow starts to fly. That wasn't the case this year, as I was determined to enjoy all of the beauty of summer. Maybe I should turn that attitude towards the rest of the year.
I have been trying to put off the end of summer for as long as possible. As one of my vendors put it, "Catch summer by the tail." I skipped the beginning of the Utes game last week to do summer activities up in Park City. I have continued to wear flip flops. Seconds ago I got off a phone call planning a Lagoon trip for Gods sake. My premise is that just because it is past Labor Day, which was very early in the month this year might I add, that it is going to stay warm for awhile. If that's the case then I am going t keep that summer joie de vivre until it is time for me to don the argyle sweater.
However, I seem to be losing the battle. As soon as Labor Day hit, it seemed to start getting cooler. People's dressing habits are already beginning to change, and talk in our meetings is already about 4th quarter. I've even turned of the air in the car in order to go with the more environmentally friendly windows, and am wearing my glasses more.
It will be fine. Fall and Winter are fun too, and they are always good for fashion. However, usually towards the end of the summer I get to this point where I just wanted the cooler weather to come, only to want the fun and heat of summer as soon as the snow starts to fly. That wasn't the case this year, as I was determined to enjoy all of the beauty of summer. Maybe I should turn that attitude towards the rest of the year.
25 August 2008
"The used to call me Crazy Joe..."
So Barack has finally made his Veep pick, Joe Biden. Someone this weekend on hearing this news asked me and Tyson, "Who the hell is Joe Biden?" As we looked back with surprise, disgust, and perhaps a dash of hate, I realized that many people are not as active in politics as we are, and we must educate those who might not know, but are nonetheless interested. Below is his introductory video for the campaign. Aside from that, Joe Biden is actually one of my favourite senators. He is very up front and direct about his views no matter what party or official he is directing his comments towards. Much like Barack, I believe he would breathe a breath of fresh air into the executive branch that seems to be needed so much right now.
Much like Joe Biden, I make no secret about my political views. Many prefer to keep matters like that private, and that is their choice, just as it is my choice to shout it from the rooftops. However, I believe that the most important thing in politics is that whatever your voice is, that you make it heard on election day. I think that not voting is unacceptable. Many people have fought and died to allow us the right to vote, and we should not take that lightly. A lot of people hate the 2 party system that we have and do not want to reinforce it by voting. Seriously, join the club my friends. You do not need to vote for a candidate that is running (you can always do a write in), but speak your piece or don't complain. Enough with my ranting. More (Utah) voting info to come. Enjoy the show...
Much like Joe Biden, I make no secret about my political views. Many prefer to keep matters like that private, and that is their choice, just as it is my choice to shout it from the rooftops. However, I believe that the most important thing in politics is that whatever your voice is, that you make it heard on election day. I think that not voting is unacceptable. Many people have fought and died to allow us the right to vote, and we should not take that lightly. A lot of people hate the 2 party system that we have and do not want to reinforce it by voting. Seriously, join the club my friends. You do not need to vote for a candidate that is running (you can always do a write in), but speak your piece or don't complain. Enough with my ranting. More (Utah) voting info to come. Enjoy the show...
11 August 2008
"Who's da Bitch Nooooowwwwww?"

I have been all about the Olympics this weekend. Some quite impressive performances from the Americans, but none as impressive as the Men's 4x100 Freestyle Final. If you did not get to see it, you need to look it up online. There was plenty of drama going to the race as one of the French swimmers (Bertrand) claimed that they were going to "smash the Americans." Well, we smashed them, smashed the World Record by 4 seconds, Jason Lezak recorded the fastest split time in history to chase down Bertrand for the win, and Bertand also lost his former world record in the 100 free to one of the bronze metal winning Australians. And in other miracles, a Black man was swimming! I'm just playing, but seriously America is awesome.
I love the Olympics so much. I especially enjoy the surge of patriotism that I feel for these two and a half weeks. Even as I have been blogging I am watching the Men's gymnastics team finals and screaming at the US high bar routines (which we rocked). It was looking like we may be able to get the silver, but ended up with the bronze which is still better than many thought after looking two team members to injury. One thing that has bothered me about the men's gymnastics team is all of their commentary and enthusiasm. It has been a bit fratboyesque. Normally I wouldn't mind that since this is sports we are dealing with, and at the highest level. However, these guys are kinda goofy looking and about 5 foot tall. Comments like, "Yeah baby, we jumpin' in the river tonight," or "Dat's how we roll," or "How you doin' America," seem a little out of place. I'm off to bed. Keep enjoying the games and I will continue to report (aka make snarky comments).
The Jonas Brothers
07 August 2008
I Wet Myself at the Gym
I am going to start this off by saying that I did not pee my pants at the gym. If I had, I would never post it online.
I have been going back to the gym lately and it has been great. I have more energy, am starting to tone up, and in general feel better. However I am finding a bit of a problem.
First of all I am hungry all of the time which I am dealing with. The real problem though is that I am peeing like it's my job. I normally drink a lot of water, but when I go to the gym it gets so much worse. I carry my G-town Nalgene with me everywhere. It holds 40ozs. of water, and I drink about 4 bottles full at work each day. During an hour at the gym, I also drink around 3 bottles. Add this to my coffee regimen, and I am busting at the seams everyday. All is good for the skin, but I am sure Kelly, our receptionist, thinks there is something wrong with me going back and forth to the bathroom 3 times an hour (I don't think I have an enlarged prostate or other bladder issues). Plus the other 3 times that I have to pee after I get in bed and before I actually fall asleep are annoying. Oh well...
I have been going back to the gym lately and it has been great. I have more energy, am starting to tone up, and in general feel better. However I am finding a bit of a problem.
First of all I am hungry all of the time which I am dealing with. The real problem though is that I am peeing like it's my job. I normally drink a lot of water, but when I go to the gym it gets so much worse. I carry my G-town Nalgene with me everywhere. It holds 40ozs. of water, and I drink about 4 bottles full at work each day. During an hour at the gym, I also drink around 3 bottles. Add this to my coffee regimen, and I am busting at the seams everyday. All is good for the skin, but I am sure Kelly, our receptionist, thinks there is something wrong with me going back and forth to the bathroom 3 times an hour (I don't think I have an enlarged prostate or other bladder issues). Plus the other 3 times that I have to pee after I get in bed and before I actually fall asleep are annoying. Oh well...
Olys or Bust

I am ridiculously excited about the Olympics that are about to start tomorrow. I am even having a BBQ to watch and celebrate. I t is just so exciting being able to see the world come together, to celebrate all of these people with great talent. I am not a huge sports fan, but these people are truly remarkable.
I am sure I am in for many sleepless nights as I get trapped watching canoing at 3am. One article that I read said that the Olympics are the best reality show ever. I think it's true. Plus knowing the Chinese, they are going to put on a great show (despite the smog). The arcitecture alone is amazing. Prepare yourself for regular Olys updates on the emerging stories of the day.
The other thoughts that keeping coming to my mind is that after the Olys end, it will be time for college football and tailgating at the U! Oh it is so much fun. I need to end this post. I am shaking.

05 August 2008
You Like Me. You Really Like Me!
So I have been away for a bit. Between the 24th holiday, my family being in town, and work I haven't had time to get to the blog. I will make sure that I never leave you in distress again.
Normally I wouldn't have worried because I just assumed no one was reading my musings, but a bit ago I found out that I had at least one reader. One of the partners as Richter7 said that he liked reading my blog. After the panic moment where you go through the past blog posts in your head (just kidding, I learned long ago never to publish anything publicly on the internet that you would be ashamed of when as former boss commented about my MySpace page), I rejoiced that someone actually cared. Welcome Dave, and the rest of you better leave some comments.
I have so much to cover. There is an update on the New York Times photo shoot, my family was here, Datamark Happy Hour (most of which will be relegated to MySpace to protect the innocent ;) ), and we are coming into the busy end of the summer. Alas I am tired and I have agency meeting in the morning so I am going to opt for bed. I swear I will make some time for your guys tomorrow to fill you in. Don't worry. I still love you.
Normally I wouldn't have worried because I just assumed no one was reading my musings, but a bit ago I found out that I had at least one reader. One of the partners as Richter7 said that he liked reading my blog. After the panic moment where you go through the past blog posts in your head (just kidding, I learned long ago never to publish anything publicly on the internet that you would be ashamed of when as former boss commented about my MySpace page), I rejoiced that someone actually cared. Welcome Dave, and the rest of you better leave some comments.
I have so much to cover. There is an update on the New York Times photo shoot, my family was here, Datamark Happy Hour (most of which will be relegated to MySpace to protect the innocent ;) ), and we are coming into the busy end of the summer. Alas I am tired and I have agency meeting in the morning so I am going to opt for bed. I swear I will make some time for your guys tomorrow to fill you in. Don't worry. I still love you.
22 July 2008
Shorts Means Easy Access... To Advertising Silly

Yes the Trib came in and took pictures, and I knew that some blogs had picked up the story, but I didn't understand the extent of this viral campaign until I got "The Email". The partner in charge of PR tell us that tomorrow, The New York Times is sending a photographer to take our picture for a story about our quirky little agency that makes their employees wear something other than long pants in order to beat the heat and boost morale. I then knew the power of PR.
I decided that I would do a Google search of "Richter7 No Pants" and see what came up. I went 3 pages deep before I just gave up, with every link being about the Richter7 policy. Mostly it was sites or blogs that had just picked up the press release. However, mixed in there were CNBC and USAToday. My favourite comment about the story, and one that summed up my sentiments, was from one Sean P. Means, the "Culture Vulture" writer of the Trib. Sean says,
The "No Long Pants" policy may not save the planet, but it may prove something to clients: If Richter7 can drum up publicity for its clients half as much as it drums up publicity for itself, customer satisfaction is guaranteed. –Sean P. Means
When I first told people that this was clearly a PR effort for the company they asked, "Why would you do PR for yourself?" I responded,"Because we consider ourselves a client." How can you sell anybody else if you can't sell yourself (not on the street you dirty people)?
Anyway, in other somewhat related news, the people that I work with are crazy. I swear each person is a character and each one is different. We have whiny, spazzy, giddy, prudy, stylish, reclusive, and dementia. We are like the Richter 7 dwarfs. It is hilarious and awesome. (As a side note, I am not sure how they keep it so cold in this building. It is like an icebox, and the windows are massive and old, and the doors are made of glass.)
Another somewhat related issue is my feelings about jean shorts. Jean shorts are one of the worst fashion faux pas of all time. However, I am giving a pass this summer to the long, cut off, frayed, tight jeans that the "emos" are wearing. I have seen a lot of these lately. Now I will not stand for the additional roll up, but the fray is okay I guess. However, I am giving a one season limit to this pass, and posers need not apply (i.e. I will not be wearing these as I am not an emo).
-"I'm hungry." - "Why don't you sit there and feast on your own body fat?"
Gold's Gym and I have kissed and made up. Once again I will be using them to keep my body svelte and attractive (well more so ;) ). My first day back will be today and then I think I will be back at Spinning on Thursday. I also got another one of my Q3 goals done yesterday. I am on a roll... now time to stop eating them.
18 July 2008
Sex and the City

Last night was Thursday so that means it is time for all of the little hussies to go out. First I went to see Amanda's new diggs. Then I went to the Gallivan again. It was much better this time. I only had to stand in line for about 10 minutes before I got a (read 2) beer(s) as compared to the hour long ordeal last time. Once again it was a reunion. I like that. I ran into this girl Meghan that I met at a wedding a couple of weeks ago. She is like a girl version of me. She was rocking the bangs mod style with a black top, leatherette leggings with yellow day glow stilettos and pink day glow nail polish. Hot! Of course we ran into some Judge kids. I actually at one point was eavesdropping on a conversation and all I heard them say was , "Judge, Judge, pack our fudge!" Seemed very apropos.
After Gallivan we went to Murphy's which was awesome. There I harassed Oliver's brothers. One was driven away twice by my graphic comments. The other I made fun of because he put his hair into a half up bun. I told him he looked like Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai. Of course we ran into more people there, especially after the concert ended and people started to trickle in. Actually I was kinda dissed by Julianne Hancock. I was pissed.
After Murphy's I went to The Door. By that point it was a bit fuzzy, but I remember being naughty (more on that on my MySpace blog). However, I did avoid the person that I said I was going to start to avoid in last week's blog. Good for me. Also I saw some lesbian wearing the same pinstripe shorts I bought yesterday. Made me rethink my purchase a bit, but I gave her props.
One thing I kept focusing on last night was how much I love the city of Salt Lake. I love being downtown and smelling the summer city air. I love standing in the crowded Gallivan with all of your favorite peeps, looking at the highrises that soar above. I love the bike culture that is developing. I love that everyone knows everyone. I love how many hot and funny people call Salt Lake home. I swear it is like guzzling from the cup of life. Make sure you enjoy and appreciate it this weekend.
16 July 2008
"You're a Functioning Alcoholic"
Last night was fickin' awesome. Lindz, Nate, and I decided to go blow off some steam and watched the All-Star game at Lumpy's. I care nothing about baseball, but I would like to congratulate all of the beers that I drank and the shot that I took. You guys are the really winners and in much less innings. Anyway, the 3 of us laughed so hard. Our conversation was so RAW!
The reason that we needed to go out was that life has been a bit frustrating. Don't get me wrong, things for the most part are great, but I think that we are all starting to feel the weight of adulthood. I am having many more conversations about bills, careers, relationships (aka my want to settle into one), and the most adult topic of all - real estate.
I guess for me I have been a little bit off and out of balance since I felt my previous agency. Not because I missed it or because it grounded me. I do miss the people and it was a great learning experience, but I think in many ways it put me in a rut that I needed to get out of. At first it was great as I had a lot of fun; mixed things up; caused some trouble (not really). Then I got back to work and have been focusing on that, which has been great. However, I have realized that this past few months I have neglected some areas of my life. I need a new gym membership, I need to go to the dentist (and probably the doctor), and I need new cable and internet service. All are goals for Q3.
Above that, I have found other frustrations within my life that I want to address; namely my living situation. I love my roommates and all, but of course they can be frustrating. Plus I end up feeling like the dad of the house even though I'm the youngest. I am really at the point where I want to buy a place and have more control over my environment. I need serenity outside of work as my professional life can be stressful. Today at work in fact was crazy as the printer wasn't working (for the second day in a row and when I needed to print a lot of stuff), my computer was moving at the speed of Special Olympic hurdler and was just being weird, and we were trying to launch a campaign for tomorrow and nothing was going right with the creative. At some point you just say fuck it.
Honestly though as I start to take care of the issues that are frustrating me, it just gets worse. Trying to get your financial "house" in order, in order to get a house, makes you want to strangle someone. I consolidated my student loans recently and my automatic payments got all jacked ( I ask you where does a voided check that was UPS'd with the other documents that allowed this transaction to go through go?). When I tried to just log in and make a payment while I worked out that situation, apparently my SSN, DOB, and Zip do not match in their database. I need a drink.
Then I get indecisive with the small things. I have been debating gyms, dentists, and digital cable solutions for months. I am clearly a whack job.
Anyway, moral of the story is that I need to take a chillaxative, and just take care of business. More importantly, some times you need to lose a bit of focus, aka blow off a little steam, in order to regain focus... well and so you don't go off on someone.
The reason that we needed to go out was that life has been a bit frustrating. Don't get me wrong, things for the most part are great, but I think that we are all starting to feel the weight of adulthood. I am having many more conversations about bills, careers, relationships (aka my want to settle into one), and the most adult topic of all - real estate.
I guess for me I have been a little bit off and out of balance since I felt my previous agency. Not because I missed it or because it grounded me. I do miss the people and it was a great learning experience, but I think in many ways it put me in a rut that I needed to get out of. At first it was great as I had a lot of fun; mixed things up; caused some trouble (not really). Then I got back to work and have been focusing on that, which has been great. However, I have realized that this past few months I have neglected some areas of my life. I need a new gym membership, I need to go to the dentist (and probably the doctor), and I need new cable and internet service. All are goals for Q3.
Above that, I have found other frustrations within my life that I want to address; namely my living situation. I love my roommates and all, but of course they can be frustrating. Plus I end up feeling like the dad of the house even though I'm the youngest. I am really at the point where I want to buy a place and have more control over my environment. I need serenity outside of work as my professional life can be stressful. Today at work in fact was crazy as the printer wasn't working (for the second day in a row and when I needed to print a lot of stuff), my computer was moving at the speed of Special Olympic hurdler and was just being weird, and we were trying to launch a campaign for tomorrow and nothing was going right with the creative. At some point you just say fuck it.
Honestly though as I start to take care of the issues that are frustrating me, it just gets worse. Trying to get your financial "house" in order, in order to get a house, makes you want to strangle someone. I consolidated my student loans recently and my automatic payments got all jacked ( I ask you where does a voided check that was UPS'd with the other documents that allowed this transaction to go through go?). When I tried to just log in and make a payment while I worked out that situation, apparently my SSN, DOB, and Zip do not match in their database. I need a drink.
Then I get indecisive with the small things. I have been debating gyms, dentists, and digital cable solutions for months. I am clearly a whack job.
Anyway, moral of the story is that I need to take a chillaxative, and just take care of business. More importantly, some times you need to lose a bit of focus, aka blow off a little steam, in order to regain focus... well and so you don't go off on someone.
15 July 2008
"Don't you guys think Jarett looks like a model?"
Wow, lots of posts today, but when things happen, they happen. Last week a did a photo shoot for a stock photo company. No it was not Zoolander style, although I could work that. The "concept" was basic young office people doing office type things (at least this is how I describe it). One of the partners told me the photographer said they turned out well and I did a good job. I called BS on this as most of the time I thought we were doing a light test and not actually being filmed. However, I did make it in all of the shots that they liked. Okay I love self-promotion, but even I am about to throw up. Here's a sample:

Take Off Your Pants and Jacket

Today Richter took it a bit further. They called us all into a meeting and announced that for the next month we are not allowed to wear long pants or we will be fined. Yes, that's right, I must wear shorts, or a skirt, or a dress to work or I will be fined. The reason you ask. Well because it's hot, and it will help us to be more creative. To push this even further, they are going to purchase a pair of shorts for all of us. We just need to buy them and expense them. They have even issued a press release to the media about this (if it gets picked up I will link it).
Oh I love my job and everyone knows it. However, even I have to admit we get a little bit crazy. It is nice to work in an environment that encourages creativity and out of the box thinking.
On another note, I had a dream last night that I went back to Datamark. It had completely changed and people worked in big groups in different rooms. I spent the day checking in on everyone else's group because I did not want to go work with my team. Me and my therapist will be discussing this week.
... So since I originally posted this blog, the Trib is coming in to take a picture of us on in our shorts on Thursday. PR is a wonderful thing.
Oh You Dumb Bitch
Most of you know how much I love trashy television. One of the trashiest, yet funniest shows is Keeping Up With the Kardashians on E! One of my favorite episodes is when Khloe (you know the frumpy one that has never been on a reality show, or done anything worth fame other
than having a sister with her ass insured) gets a DUI. Of course as happens with that situation, it devolves into a horrible mess trying to get people out of jail and hide it from parents for as long as possible. Inevitably the parents need to find out, and their mom Kris says something that I love as she is furious that they wasted so much time trying to hide everything while just letting Khloe sit in jail. She says something to the effect of, "What?!? You're just sitting here while Khloe's in jail?!? You know we call Robert (Shapiro) and it's over!" She illuminates the fact that they call their high powered attorney who served on the OJ defense team with their dad, and everything is taken care of.
Kris was right and everything was taken care of... Until now. Khloe apparently didn't not want to stick to the terms of her probation (like go to an alcohol treatment class), so now she has to go to jail. Oh Khloe, you are so stupid. In an article I read about this, in mainstream media nonetheless, they specifically mention that other "more famous" celebs have gotten out of jail early in situations like this because of overcrowded jails, essentially saying she probably isn't famous enough to get the celeb treatment... which she's not. Khloe just go to the class! You had nothing else to do. Higher some other monkey (or the sisters that are actually suppose to be the other monkeys) to run DASH for the day.
Anyway, that was not the point of this post. Actually I was just impressed that there was a decent picture of Khloe out there. She almost doesn't look like a lesbian don't you think? Perhaps jail will work for her.

Kris was right and everything was taken care of... Until now. Khloe apparently didn't not want to stick to the terms of her probation (like go to an alcohol treatment class), so now she has to go to jail. Oh Khloe, you are so stupid. In an article I read about this, in mainstream media nonetheless, they specifically mention that other "more famous" celebs have gotten out of jail early in situations like this because of overcrowded jails, essentially saying she probably isn't famous enough to get the celeb treatment... which she's not. Khloe just go to the class! You had nothing else to do. Higher some other monkey (or the sisters that are actually suppose to be the other monkeys) to run DASH for the day.
Anyway, that was not the point of this post. Actually I was just impressed that there was a decent picture of Khloe out there. She almost doesn't look like a lesbian don't you think? Perhaps jail will work for her.
14 July 2008
Christian Bale is Fucking Cheesy

Hey y'all. I had a nice little weekend. I wasn't feeling well on Friday so I just stayed in to recoup. It was kinda nice and gave me an early start on Saturday.
On Saturday I went to Babylon at Bliss. It was okay. At least it was different. However, the name sucks, the drinks were poorly made (aka I could taste the cola in my long island), and because it was new everyone in their dog was there and I kept running into people, some I did not want to see. Then of course I got drunk and pissy. It worked out alright though.
Funny story, the cab driver over to the beginnings of my "after club journeying" hit on me and I totally took the digits which I was supposed to use to "call after 3". Luckily I'm not that crazy, but it is a funny story (you know me and "the story"). Plus Nate and I got treated to the story of the girls in the cab before us that were flashing. I swear I literally asked if I was on Taxi Cab Confessions.
Anyway, Sunday was Tyson's BBQ, and I got wayyyyyy drunk. Look at what we did to Christian Bale, and to my magazine bible, Details (that needs a whole nother blog). Sadly shortly after this picture I licked all of the cheese off of Mr. Bale, and even more sad I have another similar picture with Ryan Seacrest on the cover of Details which is completely unrelated.
Anyway, I can't wait for this weekend so I can see the Dark Knight...
P.S. Doesn't Mr. Bale look the Captain from Captain Morgan Rum in this picture?
11 July 2008
The Roots

Last night was a little bizarre. I first I felt like I was bribing people to come see an awesome show for free, and then we ended up having a nice group. It kinda made me feel old. Anyway.
So of course the Gallivan was packed. We waited in the beer line for an hour. Then we waited in the line for the bathroom for 2o minutes. Then we left. I didn't even get to hear The Seed.
Of course every outing at the Gallivan is like a reunion. Saw lots of people. I was keeping a count of the ones that I ran into that I had had some sort of sexual contact with (more than kissing). I ended up with 6.
I bitched a lot in the beer line. I talked about how old people should be banned, and kids should be banned, and emos should be banned (even though I like them), and ugly people should be banned, and people over 225 pounds should be banned. It will be nice when it settles down and all of Salt Lake is not at the Gallivan.
There were a lot of quotables too. I can't remember most, but my favorite went a little something like this:
Tyson: [flicks Jarett with a rubber band]
Jarett: Ouch that hurt!
Tyson: You hurt my feelings.
Jarett: What are those?
Tyson: They are little stones that I carry around in my pocket.
Jarett: Well you should lose them because they are worthless and weighing you down.
I learned a couple of things too. The dude I randomly put my arm around last week thinking it was one of my friends only to discover that it was not, was still actually someone I know. Guys are way cruel, especially to women. There are some people that I need to stay away from because they are no good for me, even though they are not doing anything that is particularly bad. Oh and headaches suck.
10 July 2008
Foot Fetish
I love flip flops. I love that I get to wear them to work. I love the weather that allows me to wear them. I love that they are the cheapest footwear that I will probably ever own. I love that I have them in argyle so I can wear argyle all year long... I think you get the point.
Flip flops are great, but I have some issues with them as of late. First of all, they break... a lot. I have three pairs of broken flip flops sitting in my closet right now. Two are just brown leather, but one is my pair of red Budweiser flip flops and it devastates me.
Plus they break in awkward places. The first time it happened it was at Lagoon. I am not sure if you have ever put a bare foot on the "fair"way that is Lagoon, but it is gross. I left. Then a couple of weekends ago it happened in the Gateway parking lot. Convenient you may think, especially since I had already been flip flop shopping that week and knew exactly what I wanted, and they happened to match what I was wearing. The problem was that what I was wearing was what I had been wearing the night before, and it was on top of an unshowered body. To make matters worse, the manager of the storing I was going into was someone that I had "dated" once upon a time. I could not deal with the hugging or the pleasantries as I looked like a homeless alcoholic standing in the middle of the store on a Saturday, so I finally said, "I need these in an 11 stat!" Rude.
I was paid back for my rude display in that the flip flops that I bought were medieval torture devices. It was like someone was stabling me in the side of the foot every time i took a step... IN FLIP FLOPS! I have always told women as we walk long distances from party to party in their "dressed to get fucked" heels that they need to suck it up and suffer for fashion. I have done it myself, and have developed nice little calluses to deflect the stabbing pain.
My final issue is that I have a problem finding flip flops I truly like. I have this problem with all shoes, but because flip flops are so funky and varied, there is added pressure for them to be awesome (like the argyles). Rainbows are boring, and I have an issue with Reefs. I applaud them adding in bottle openers, flasks, and even the secret drawer for whatever you need a secret drawer for (no judgments). However, they are ugly. They are sports sandals and I am more of a leather on wood kind of guy (like the medieval torture devices). Even if they just had the simple black fabric like they used to instead of the fabric/leather monstrosities they have now, I would be able to open a Heineken anywhere right now.
Alas, even with my issues my love affair will never end. In fact I think I need to go shopping for some brown leather replacements...
Flip flops are great, but I have some issues with them as of late. First of all, they break... a lot. I have three pairs of broken flip flops sitting in my closet right now. Two are just brown leather, but one is my pair of red Budweiser flip flops and it devastates me.
Plus they break in awkward places. The first time it happened it was at Lagoon. I am not sure if you have ever put a bare foot on the "fair"way that is Lagoon, but it is gross. I left. Then a couple of weekends ago it happened in the Gateway parking lot. Convenient you may think, especially since I had already been flip flop shopping that week and knew exactly what I wanted, and they happened to match what I was wearing. The problem was that what I was wearing was what I had been wearing the night before, and it was on top of an unshowered body. To make matters worse, the manager of the storing I was going into was someone that I had "dated" once upon a time. I could not deal with the hugging or the pleasantries as I looked like a homeless alcoholic standing in the middle of the store on a Saturday, so I finally said, "I need these in an 11 stat!" Rude.
I was paid back for my rude display in that the flip flops that I bought were medieval torture devices. It was like someone was stabling me in the side of the foot every time i took a step... IN FLIP FLOPS! I have always told women as we walk long distances from party to party in their "dressed to get fucked" heels that they need to suck it up and suffer for fashion. I have done it myself, and have developed nice little calluses to deflect the stabbing pain.
My final issue is that I have a problem finding flip flops I truly like. I have this problem with all shoes, but because flip flops are so funky and varied, there is added pressure for them to be awesome (like the argyles). Rainbows are boring, and I have an issue with Reefs. I applaud them adding in bottle openers, flasks, and even the secret drawer for whatever you need a secret drawer for (no judgments). However, they are ugly. They are sports sandals and I am more of a leather on wood kind of guy (like the medieval torture devices). Even if they just had the simple black fabric like they used to instead of the fabric/leather monstrosities they have now, I would be able to open a Heineken anywhere right now.
Alas, even with my issues my love affair will never end. In fact I think I need to go shopping for some brown leather replacements...
09 March 2008
Let the Calamity Begin!
This is the beginning of my new blog. I have been posting a bunch of bulletins on MySpace about the more mundane events in my life. I think those little gems would be better served by a blog. I have always said that I should have a reality show (on Showtime, HBO, or some other network that shows adult content and full frontal nudity obviously) chronicling the craziness that is my life. I guess this will be the next best thing... for now.
To start us off, let me describe the calamity that was this weekend. Don't get me wrong I had a great time this weekend, but me and the people around me were way awkward and goofy. For some reason, on Friday I was having an off day. Generally I consider myself to be a fairly relaxed, cool dude, despite the hot mess that was me before college. However, on Friday I was a total goof. I couldn't speak at a work lunch because I am new, and still shy. They were even talking about some of my favorite topics: booze, sex, and stalking. Silence. I had a vendor come in and generally I come in swinging my big stick, establishing that I know about interactive marketing, and letting them know not to fuck around or I will call them out. I wasn't prepared early, I had nothing to say, and I think I may have stuttered a bit.
Nate's turn was on Saturday. From ordering at lunch, to us hanging out, to drunkenly smoking a cigarette, he was a mess. I told him that morning he was off and he never recovered. Today Tyson told me that I was going to be a hungover mess on my trip to the grocery store. Apparently he was right. Somehow I ran into an end cap. No not with a cart (as I didn't have one), I ran into it with my body. Then somehow in an unrelated incident, I threw out my back. Granted I am not an 18 year old kid, but give me a break. I don't even have a back problem! I'm breaking down.
Anyway, more sad/happy/skanky/scandalous moments to come. Stay tuned.
To start us off, let me describe the calamity that was this weekend. Don't get me wrong I had a great time this weekend, but me and the people around me were way awkward and goofy. For some reason, on Friday I was having an off day. Generally I consider myself to be a fairly relaxed, cool dude, despite the hot mess that was me before college. However, on Friday I was a total goof. I couldn't speak at a work lunch because I am new, and still shy. They were even talking about some of my favorite topics: booze, sex, and stalking. Silence. I had a vendor come in and generally I come in swinging my big stick, establishing that I know about interactive marketing, and letting them know not to fuck around or I will call them out. I wasn't prepared early, I had nothing to say, and I think I may have stuttered a bit.
Nate's turn was on Saturday. From ordering at lunch, to us hanging out, to drunkenly smoking a cigarette, he was a mess. I told him that morning he was off and he never recovered. Today Tyson told me that I was going to be a hungover mess on my trip to the grocery store. Apparently he was right. Somehow I ran into an end cap. No not with a cart (as I didn't have one), I ran into it with my body. Then somehow in an unrelated incident, I threw out my back. Granted I am not an 18 year old kid, but give me a break. I don't even have a back problem! I'm breaking down.
Anyway, more sad/happy/skanky/scandalous moments to come. Stay tuned.
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